Monday, October 4, 2010

Boxes of power

Not so unsurprisingly my home concocted power supply went bang and now just constantly blows it fuse, so i was on the lookout for more junk another power supply (or two) Happily I found these two for 10 quid at the Oslo autojumble in september.

A good old fashioned battery charger does the trick, the modern ones are all overload protected, regulated no fun. This was perfect and it works as it should too. So my home brew electrolysis tank is back in action.

Not sure what this is for but having googled it i'm guessing at some kind of amateur radio equipment power supply, weighs and absolute ton and makes a great deep hum when powered up. It all lights up as it should but i can't seem to get any sign of a voltage or current form it. This will need more investigating when i get some time (so probably never).

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