Monday, October 4, 2010

Almost there?

Been faffing around getting the carburettors back on the engine any available chance i have had at the workshop recently, which hasn't been as often as i would have liked obviously. Got them back on but the front one mysteriously became a bit stiff and the throttle spindle wouldn't move about freely at all after i had connected it all up, so off it came and was taken to pieces AGAIN, slapped it all back together and bolted it back on (the usual 20 seconds to write but several hours to actually do) and this time all seems well.

Sooo hopefully next time i am there i can put the fuel line back under the car and improvise a suitable temporary petrol tank, and maybe even try to start it for the first time in well over a year.

Mmmmm, nice shiny carburettors, hope they work.

This is what is truly amazing about old cars, just look at this, the throttle linkage is all rods and joints, no throttle cable to be seen here. Took me a while to get this working as it should as i had somehow neglected to photograph said linkage before removing it. Doh.

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