Thursday, June 17, 2010

High and mighty

Ta Daaaa.

Been wanting one of these for ages, finally found a used one on the good old tinternet. I went to see it on tuesday evening and had it delivered to the workshop this morning, can't really call it a super portable device weighing in at 250kg but my spaghetti arms can just about shove it around the floor. By no means new, it was made in 1998 according to the ID plate, but it looks like it's lead an easy life.

I had seen it in operation before purchase but i connected it to my compressor and tested it and checked it over just to make sure ..... Looking goooood.

Now my poor car has been perched up on axle stands longer than i can remember now so putting the wheels on made it look more car like again. How i ever managed to get it on the stands in the first place though is a bit of a mystery to me, my trolly jack doesn't extend high enough. So a bit of a bodge to get it down again... yes mum it was super safe no limbs were place under the ve-hicle during the lowering procedure.

Took me a lot of faffing about until i was happy with the placement of the lift under the car but i got there eventually and up she goes.

All together now 'got to be happy with that.' Now i can maybe get myself a chair to sit on while i weld instead of a rug :-) I'm sure i can get one for free from somewhere.
Going to come in super handy when i change the oil in TPW too.

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