Thursday, February 11, 2010

Ta Daaaa

Finally after months of waiting and tons of super conibear research things forever before you buy stuff umming and ahhhing, i have finally bought myself a new welder, got a good deal from one of our former neighbours too, so all is good.

Sooo here it is in all its dayglow orange glory. I wont bore you with the specs either you into your welding or your not.
Of course it needs accessories to make it go so i had to splash out on a gas cylinder too and then i need the gas that goes inside said cylinder.... good job i'm a saver.

problem with this type of inverter welder is that you really need a trolley to put it on and somewhere to keep the gas cylinder from falling over is a good idea too.
Voila, i picked this up for free, some peoples idea of thowing things away where we live is to put it somewhere near the waste room and hope it disappears, well this did, i shouldn't encourage them really.

just needed a nut, bolt, washers and a spacer, in this case bodged with a bit of tubing, to get rid of its wobble and i could start customising.

needed a platform for the welder so i got my angle grinder out (did i ever tell you how much i love powertools?) and cut up some sheet steel, marked it out and bent some edges in the steel bending machine.

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there was way too much unneeded crap cluttering things up too so i stripped all that off and then did a mock up...

handles are too long , choppety chop.

and that was about as far as i got... next is putting it all together, propper like, and that will mean welding stuff. :-)

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