Sunday, March 15, 2009

The end is nigh

Finally managed to find a suitable Passat for sale, right spec, right age, right location, right price, right condition and the right colour, had the usual faffing about in the beginning as the seller raised the price after my first test drive but it all worked out in the end and i paid what was first being asked. Had it independently tested before i decided just to ease my mind a little.

So as seen on I&I TFW is being superseded, well I simply don't have time for the old beast anymore and i feel the need for a slightly more secure mobile tin can to provide transport for the family.

Had TFW since october 2007 and it has only let us down once but that was due to frozen fuel and not the car itself, so doesn't really count does it.
It lugged pretty much the entire contents of our flat bar the bed and sofa when we moved without complaint and has chugged Maud to nursery through the snow on numerous occasions. I'll miss it. It's not advertised for sale yet though but when it is i expect a deluge of interested buyers will jam the phone lines....maybe.
One good thing is that although it's a much newer car the insurance will be less,... the reason i suspect is a near halving of engine capacity, goodbye the pull stumps of the ground barrel chested 3 litre diesel, hello puny asthmatic 1.6 litre petrol.

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