Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The end

TFW has now moved on to pastures new and and the blog will from now on become known as The Pasta Wagon.

So much for TFW being an old mans car it was bought by a young whippersnapper of just 20. Yet again i managed to get more when selling a used car than when i bought it, maybe i'm in the wrong business.
It was bought in october 2007 for kr 8500 and i managed to get rid now for kr 11 000 Admittedly i've used a bit of cash on it just keeping it going but it needed to go now as the tax is due for 2009 which costs kr 3 127 so all in all i'm content.
We'll be very sorry to see it go, it's done us proud during the time we've owned it but it was time to move on up, or down depending on your point of view. A merc to a VW i'm worried i'm getting a thing for German cars.

I converted this.......

to this....

and since my car is now really just a rolling computer i'm going to spend some of it getting one of these just so i can feel that i'm still in control of fixing my own transport and not totally at the mercy of the VW stealership.

Pushing buttons on a computer can't possibly be as much fun as wielding the spanners but got to give it a go eh?

Made the Pasta Wagon a bit more acceptable to me by ditching the plastic wheel trims. It'll soon be time to put the summer wheels on anyway but they just had to go.

Bye bye character filled easy to fix Fat Wagon; hello bland Euro Box aka The Pasta Wagon.

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The end

TFW has now moved on to pastures new and and the blog will from now on become known as The Pasta Wagon.

So much for TFW being an old mans car it was bought by a young whippersnapper of just 20. Yet again i managed to get more when selling a used car than when i bought it, maybe i'm in the wrong business.
It was bought in october 2007 for kr 8500 and i managed to get rid now for kr 11 000 Admittedly i've used a bit of cash on it just keeping it going but it needed to go now as the tax is due for 2009 which costs kr 3 127 so all in all i'm content.
We'll be very sorry to see it go, it's done us proud during the time we've owned it but it was time to move on up, or down depending on your point of view. A merc to a VW i'm worried i'm getting a thing for German cars.

I converted this.......

to this....

and since my car is now really just a rolling computer i'm going to spend some of it getting one of these just so i can feel that i'm still in control of fixing my own transport and not totally at the mercy of the VW stealership.

Pushing buttons on a computer can't possibly be as much fun as wielding the spanners but got to give it a go eh?

Made the Pasta Wagon a bit more acceptable to me by ditching the plastic wheel trims. It'll soon be time to put the summer wheels on anyway but they just had to go.

Bye bye character filled easy to fix Fat Wagon; hello bland Euro Box aka The Pasta Wagon.

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

New car ???

So me being me i had to start taking the new car apart, just to see how it fits together and to fix the things that other people hadn't. A quick 30 minute job was to hoik the battery and the battery tray out and scoop up all the decaying matter hidden underneath, the bunged up drain holes cause wet footwells in the front a common problem on this model of Passat according to the good old t'internet. (no pics as i forgot my camera but there was a good compost pit going on as the drain holes were well and truly bunged up)

The next task was the pollen filter, now this car has supposedly been serviced relatively recently, spot the old and the new....

does this look like and newish filter to you??

Still have to say that i'm pretty chuffed with it so far, quite a quantum leap forward for me so the following things that most other car owners take for granted are real luxuries: a CD player with four speakers! windows that go up and down ....electrically too. Getting used to a manual gearbox again is the thing but a few forgotten clutch dips soon gets you focused again.
and the name the i finally came up with a name,... how's Pasta Wagon.... purely because i can drop an 's' rearrange the letters of Passat and make a real word. the rear hatch will soon to be showing this title, and don't think that i wont do it, cos i will. Watch out for the official naming ceremony soon.
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Sunday, March 15, 2009

The end is nigh

Finally managed to find a suitable Passat for sale, right spec, right age, right location, right price, right condition and the right colour, had the usual faffing about in the beginning as the seller raised the price after my first test drive but it all worked out in the end and i paid what was first being asked. Had it independently tested before i decided just to ease my mind a little.

So as seen on I&I TFW is being superseded, well I simply don't have time for the old beast anymore and i feel the need for a slightly more secure mobile tin can to provide transport for the family.

Had TFW since october 2007 and it has only let us down once but that was due to frozen fuel and not the car itself, so doesn't really count does it.
It lugged pretty much the entire contents of our flat bar the bed and sofa when we moved without complaint and has chugged Maud to nursery through the snow on numerous occasions. I'll miss it. It's not advertised for sale yet though but when it is i expect a deluge of interested buyers will jam the phone lines....maybe.
One good thing is that although it's a much newer car the insurance will be less,... the reason i suspect is a near halving of engine capacity, goodbye the pull stumps of the ground barrel chested 3 litre diesel, hello puny asthmatic 1.6 litre petrol.

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