Thursday, November 20, 2008

These Boots Are Made for Walkin'

Hei o hupp,

gone just like that, well probably not just like that but gone it is.
TFW has been stolen!

Having your car disappear is one of those super self doubt, double take experiences.
you think 'I did park it here...right?'
[your mind flashes back through the memory of doing just that a a few hours before.]

You then turn around scanning the nearby area, in my case the garage under the building, just in case you'd foolishly parked it somewhere else.

Nope it's gone
[mind plays through scene of parking car in parking space again just to firm up and confirm the reality]
no can't see it here.
[stare at empty space where you now know you parked it]
Hmmm... no it really isn't there.
[brain finally gives in and accepts the facts as presented]

so i now have a large Fat Wagon sized hole in my parking space
I also have a Fat Wagon sized hole in my heart. This car is (was) great.

Practical to the end too as it seems the 'person' or 'people' responsible also loaded up a couple of mopeds into the back of TFW on their way out, cheeky eh.


Hopefully it won't be the last i see of TFW. It's probably worth more in parts than it is whole, but i'm hoping they'll take pity on the old thing and leave it somewhere it can be found.
Oslo plod have been informed and i expect they have a squad of men working on the case as we speak :-\
If it turns up all fine and dandy if not, ah well there are plenty more cars in the sea eh. come to think of it thats exactly where mine could be.

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