Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Go faster stripes

After a long winters rest which carried on through the spring and into summer it was finally time to test out the Austin's new boots. So a quick blast round the local roads proved it was money well spent and it now cornered slightly lees badly than before - it did however stop a whole lot better than TFW, a jab on the brakes and it stopped as directed.
A long hard stomp on the brakes in TFW and it might decide to come to a rest, this rather worrying discovery prompted me into deciding that it really was time to take a proper looksee at TFW's anchors.
What i found isn't for the faint hearted.
Even the least car savvy of you out there will understand that this isn't how brake discs or pads should look.

a few happy hours spannering attaching expensive new shiny bits to the old grotty bits and things were beginning to look good again.
Two new brake discs, one new brake caliper (a wallet hurting kr 1600 alone - ouch) new brake pads and a quick bleed of the brake system and we were good to take a test drive down to the petrol station to get some grease.

It's all a bit agricultural and not something Maud's grandma would be putting up with but it's 2 kroner cheaper than regular diesel and super environmentally friendly.
So here is TFW's first tank of biodiesel.
The engine will run happily on biodiesel no problems (harvested in europe so no small villages of brazilian peasants suffer for my decadent choice of automotive transportation) but it does seem to eat through any older rubbery bits in the fuel system so expect a breakdown sometime soon :-)

AAAAhhhh yes go faster stripes something every boy racer like me should have - except i'm too stingy to buy any such thing - not to worry find the nearest yellow painted wall and scrape the car along the side of that...just the ticket.
D'oh stripes as created by the worlds biggest dumbass ... me. and i couldn't even blame it on bad brakes either.

Oh and the Austin burst a heater hose spilling half the contents of the radiator onto the tarmac, my fault for forgetting that sometime way back in the winter i had replaced the ageing radiator cap with a new shiny one creating more pressure in the system than 44 year old rubber tubing could handle.

1 comment:

  1. Did the grease-monkeyette have your wheels done after that time we dropped them off? Forgot to ask! Oh dear... a few minor mishaps but I'm sure sorting the problems out is far more fun for you than it would be for anyone else... Keep up the good work :)
