Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The once over

Monday night is my messing around with cars night so i took TFW up to the workshop to get my hands dirty and find out what really lurks underneath that scabby green paint job. I didn't get any kind of history with the car but could see that it had been registered to a lady from 1986 until earlier this year. Another thing i learned is this that TFW is a german citizen, spending its first 4 years there until being imported to Norway in 1986.
Only driven to and from work so far (and then only because i couldn't find a parking space near the flat which isn't metered parking during daytime, so i had to move it)
I have to say that TFW has impressed so far, starts first turn of the key no problem and cruises as sweetly as you expect from a Merc, albeit one that is 25 years old.
It runs a bit cool and takes an age to warm up which isn't so good for a diesel, so it's something that i'm hoping a change of thermostat will cure.
So what did i find out about it?
Nothing serious really the usual stuff from an old used car, rust, yes check, number plate lights and one tail light not working, tyre pressures all over the place and all very under inflated, leccy aerial stuck ...booo.

British and German engineering come face to face, both real heavyweights of their respective eras. The Merc wins on engine size 2998cc v 2912cc but the Austin wins on the smile factor and it has less rust.

This is what it is all about - 3 litres of turbo diesel. All looks clean and very well maintained

Two things that need attention, cracked rubber boot on one of the steering joints.....

and a broken coil spring, both on the same wheel.

So after my investigations i drove TFW to the mercedes parts store and stocked up on service items ready for next monday.
Air Filter
Diesel filter x 2
Oil Filter
7 Litres of engine oil
and 4.5 litres of antifreeze
kr 1136,- Cheaper than sending it for a service at the local Mercedes garage i bet.

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