Finally managed to pick up the lock barrel I managed to track down at a VW dealers not so far from Oslo.
Despite not being exactly the same part number I was assured that it would fit 'no problem', something that always sets huge clanging alarm bells ringing in my head. Annoyance number two was that although I didn't really need a complete set of new brass tumblers for my lock the parts man at the VW garage was in no way letting me rummage through his parts bin to find what i needed, so i had to fork out an extra 50 kroner (plus VAT @ 25%) for him to recode the new lock barrel to fit my key too. Grrrr.
OK so reasonably happy that I was restoring the lock to its original glory (and of course a brick in my OCD wall) I bounced down to the workshop to swap the parts over.
one new lock.
a pencil was sacificed for some of its graphite for lubrication purposes.
took of the door handle dismantled the mechanism and tried to put it back together with the new barrel. But i couldn't.
Spot the difference?
OK, pretty impossible to see on the photo but the old one had a threaded hole in the end, the new one had just a hole, unthreaded. Pah.
OK so out with the tools to give the whole a thread. M4 flavour.
Voila. After that it went back together OK albeit a bit stiffer than it was.
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