Sunday, December 6, 2009

operation clean carbs

Still not got my act together and bought a welder yet so my idle hands, in tandem with my idle brain, decided it would be a good time to remove the carburettors. I never managed to get the car to idle perfectly now matter how much i tweaked and twiddled the adjusting screws, couldn't get them balanced properly either, so off they jolly well came.

A couple of the securing bolts looked a little bit tricky to get to...

and not so much better even with the air filters removed.

they needed a good clean any way.

lots of swearing and grazed knuckles later they on the operating table.
I bought repair kits for them a while ago but now realised that i also needed some extra bit and bobs, hopefully my trusty parts mule will have them over here for me in January.

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  1. Shipment went off to you yesterday haha! They were sat on my desk and seemed silly to let them wait around until end of Jan.

  2. wish I could have you come over and work on my car...Im sure i could find a gazillion things to repair .....probably the airfare would be less than garage prices!!!
