Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Pasta moves out

The Pasta wagon is no longer part of the family, it became a problem child and had to be sent away, so while i was on holiday i sent it to the slaughter house car auction. This meant i wasn't going to get a top price for it but on the other hand if it really starts playing up i have a buffer between me and the buyer. The golf has acted as an admirable stand in proving utterly reliable unfortunately it seems to give me a bad back. I too have sadly become used to power steering and 'sports' seats.

So the hunt was on for a proper family replacement with space for everybody including the future jr.
After a lot of uncertainty on my part (i could easily have bought a 15 year old Volvo or something similar if i'd followed my heart) a Touran seemd to fit the bill, nothing in our price range though and the right car didn't seem to exist, until one saturday morning a suitable candidate was spotted online, test driven and bought, all in one day. Haven't picked it up yet as part of the deal was new summer and winter tyres as well as a couple of cosmetic touch ups.


a 1.9TDi VW Touran from 2007

the newest, most expensive, and probably boring car i have ever owned.

I'm planning to put my 'special' chrome hubcap steel wheels on that i originally got for the passat, just so there is some redeeming feature.

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