Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Fault codes

So a first for me, i got to attach a computer to my car to read the fault codes,

and what exciting news did i get - P1423

there you go.

I reset the fault and it didn't come back on the way home so there might even be progress without actually doing anything, somehow i doubt it though, i'm sure the lamp will back in due course.

In the mean time good old google provides the answers...

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy new year... maybe not.

Ahh new year the same old thing, could have been worse though i guess.

So i delivered the kids to nursery, takes say about 15 minutes, came out to find a note on the windscreen of the car....
at first i thought i might be a parking ticket but no....

at least they left a note

for those of you who need a translation...

I brushed against your left front wing. Sorry.
Please call me.

yours sincerely


some quick phone camera photos in case i need them, no it's not the biggest damage, but pretty visible and the wing is a bit crumpled, meh, more of a PITA than anything else. Bah.