Tuesday, October 20, 2009

and here beginneth....

the problems?
Time to change to winter tyres, well not usually quite this early for me but Silje will be in London next week, and by the time she gets back it will be november and by then you have to have your winter tyres on. So a jolly pain in the backside evening was spent changing them over. The first one came off and then me being me I decided to dismantle a few bits and pieces to see and clean 9 years worth of dirt. Hmmm OCD.

Anyhow, first wheel changed, car taken apart and put together again time for wheel nr. 2....
only to find this...
grease on the inside of the wheel, pretty classis sign, on a front wheel drive car anyway, of

arrrrrrrg, a split CV joint gaiter letting all the grease spew out and more seriously the dirt and grit get in.

a job i could probably quite easily manage myself but no time this week, on my own with the kids next week and the longer it's left the more chance of the joint being ruined by dirt so i've booked it in to get it changed next week. Just hope it isn't too late for the joint.


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