Sunday, January 13, 2008

This months non-mover

THW hasn't budged an inch since i left it in the car park at work before Christmas... Not needed to use it, not had the time, an added bonus is that it annoys one of the bosses at work that this huge great hunk of metal stands there taking up a space, which amuses me a LOT besides the roads in Oslo are super salty in the winter. I need to do some serious rustproofing before i expose its soft underbelly to that kind of thing. Granted it's lasted 25 years so far but it's at that point where any more abuse and it'll rust away before my very eyes.
Might coax it into life this week sometime, got a few errands to run.

Still, car work hasn't completely stopped....I have the Austin afterall.
Took the clutch hydraulics apart late last year as the last few times i drove it 2 gear was becoming a bit difficult to engage. As i had expected, judging by the grungy fluid i could see in the master cylinder, it needed a good sort out. Hydraulic fluid is hygroscopic so needs flushing out every couple of years or so, don't think this had been touched for a very long time...result, one very bunged up rusty master cylinder and even more rusty slave cylinder. Me thinks it's been functioning on a something like a 70/30 water clutch fluid mix, not good for the insides of the cylinder, they tend to rust. Not sure i can even save the slave cylinder, i'll give it a try though just waiting on the parts to arrive from my trusty middleman in the UK.

Master cylinder pieces, i could quite believe that this hasn't been touched for many many years.

In pieces, i can spend hour after hour taking things apart, more fun than actually driving the car sometimes.

Cleaned up and put back together using new insides, the walls of the cylinder were very lightly pitted in places but it should be OK, it all seemed to rub out with a bit of emery paper.

Another item on my list of things to do is sell these utterly horrid alloy wheels that came with the car. Cars in Norway generally come with 2 sets of wheels one with winter tyres and one with summer tyres. These are obviously the summer ones and I really don't like them, won't suit the car at all, just need to source some original Mercedes alloys, i got 2 in the pile of treasure i bought not long ago just need 2 more, turn up on all the time just need some in the Oslo area.