Thursday, July 24, 2014

Back on its feet

Spent a hot few hours putting all this back together, simple enough, just time consuming.
Ahh shiny new dampers.

The old bits I could save, which was pretty much all of them, put back onto the new shock absorbers.

and all back together

I also managed to cure the leak from the gearbox but alas with time not on my side before I had to leave no time for pictures.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Felicia dislocation

Time to get back to blogging about cars, never been a mention of another addition to the fleet, Felicia a 1999 Skoda Felicia 1.3 LXi.
Super little car picked up relatively cheaply (for Norway).
Obviously had things to fix, thermostat, alternator, front brakes....back brakes and on my way home from work the most major trouble yet....

Trundled home from work, parked in the garage, went inside to get a work T-shirt on on may way out to start fixing the leak from the gearbox only to see a pool of oily liquid under the rear wheel. Barke fluid?? on closer inspection, damper oil, since it had self destructed in pretty major style.

Car wasn't going to be driven any further like that so no time to waste may as well whip them off :-)
This is why i love this car, reasonably modern..ish but i can get the suspension off with 2 sockets a spanner and my hands in 15 minutes. Gotta love that.

No point doing one without the other.

An internet search gave me all the answers I needed about new parts, I could get just the struts and reuse the rest, so next step dismantle the struts and find out what was reusable. Didn't even need a spring compressor.

a naked, damaged, strut. Two of these on order from Skoda next day delivery, could have got them slightly cheaper elsewhere but 3 -6 days delivery, just no good.

Constituent parts, the parts in the middle are junk the rest reusable. Everything I need is ordered, reassembly to follow. Then I can start work on the oil leak.